Thomas Queste

Thomas Queste

Who am I?

I'm a developer, and I build products.

Since pre-2000, I've been turning lines of code into rewarding creations, awkward bugs, and unexpected dance parties when the code finally works!


  • Running my own company since 2013
  • Founded three startups
  • Quick transition from idea to execution — I call it Extreme Pragmatism (Better to have a database in a JSON file than fancy slides)
  • Certified in Java, ElasticSearch, and MongoDB, but also Finance
  • Beginner in Machine Learning (classification, Learning-to-Rank, Deep learning...)

Fun Facts

  • In 1999, my first website was fully designed with HTML tables (didn't know about divs!)
  • I enjoy running and riding bicycles in all weather, from -15°C to 40°C
  • As a minimalist, I've been running in zero drop shoes since 2008 (proud owner of Xero shoes)

Social links


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