January 2025
- [book] Finished Yann Le Cun “When the Machine learns”. IA is so old and so new! The future will bring changes!
- [blog] Publish a guide/post on Kopia + Scaleway + Object-lock for ransomware protection
December 2024
- [book] Started reading “Code” by Charles Petzold. Mind-blowing so far! I am making links between electricity, and computers, and why the things are the way they are.
- [book] Started reading Yann Le Cun “When the Machine learns”. Interesting to see the history, the discoveries made.
- [blog] Publish my full restic setup
- [blog] Publish my syncthing + restic backup setup
- [selfhost] Full Kopia setup in place on my server with object-lock, retention policy, permission-less apikey
- [book] Read the second book of the “Les Enquêtes de la 25e Heure”. Enjoyed it (answers!).
- [audiobooks] Finished 3 audiobooks. 2 bad, 1 good. Running and biking help a lot. But no notes means less memory.
- [selfhost] Tweaked Crowdsec to not ban my mobile phone. I think it may be related to Firefox doing making queries for favicon (favicon-16, favicon-32 and so on) that all get blocked by http-auth, then Crowdsec bans the IP
- [selfhost] Manage to find the correct bucket permission for Kopia to be able to extend the object-locks. Need to wait a couple of days to see if the Lifecycle policy does not drop everything eventually.
- [selfhost] Switched from FreshRss to Miniflux because the responsive part of FreshRss never worked well
- [code] Played with KuzuDB, an embedded graph database. Tons of applications at work.
- [selfhost] Tried Kopia to backup with Ransomware protection (ie. object-lock, retention policy, permission-less apikey). An article is coming.
Novembre 2024
- [code] Discovered DataChain that could handle our ML datasets (products, image…)
- [code] Restarted MediathequeRoubaix.ts and switched to composable-functions (a kind of functional-programming library), using Bun, Biome and LeftHook
- [selfhost] Moved Restic backup from BackBlaze to Scaleway to be billed in euros.
Very smooth using restic copy